Kendall King is a new name in the scratchboard world, but one that is growing in renown. She is the youngest professional scratchboard artist and is known among the growing community for her stylistic and lifelike renditions of wildlife and human portraits.
Scratchboard started as a hobby for Kendall, a means to escape the daily onslaught of education: chemical reaction schemes, mechanisms of neuronal plasticity and fruit fly mating diagrams. Kendall is now working as a nurse at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and doing professional scratchboard art on the side. Scratchboarding has become her passion and aspiration in life. It is a way to see the world not as fundamental building blocks of atoms and physics, but as the energy and poetry of light and reflection. That is why Kendall begins every piece with the eyes. It may be a cliché, but eyes are the windows to the soul, and scratchboard captures the poetry burning behind those eyes like nothing else can.
From the first time Kendall picked up a blade, every piece she have done taught her something new. Kendall is self taught, using the great works of scratchboard artists Diana Lee, Cathy Sheeter, and Lori Dunn as guides. The subjects of Kendall’s works are as varied as her interest. From the elegant sweeps and lines of the nude body, to Star Trek aliens with ridged foreheads and bulging eyes, to wild animals of all kinds: Kendall King finds and captures beauty in every aspect of life and reflect this back into her work.